8 times superior parenting did not prevail
10/13/2015 11:04 am PDT

Here are eight instances of less than optimal parenting choices.
Selling your kids on Facebook
Misty VanHorn, Oklahoma

Tried to sell her kids, a 2-year-old and a 10-month-old, on Facebook.
Kids asking police for ride to school
Katarina Short, New Hampshire

Three kids -- 5-year-old, 4-year-old, 1-year-old -- walk into police station to ask for a ride to school.
- Short arrived at the station an hour later and told a false story, according to police, that she left the kids with a babysitter.
- She was arrested for child endangerment and unsworn falsification.
- Police said the oldest child dressed himself and the other two in coats and boots on the 2-degree Fahrenheit morning.
- Kids placed in foster care.WMUR, CBS News
Pimping out your daughter
Mellisa Bennett, Virginia

Pimped out her 18-year-old daughter.
- Daughter told police that her mother would "persuade, harass and assist" her to exchange sex for money.
- She said began to pressure her shortly after she turned 18. Bennett allegedly drove the girl around town to meet men and took money from her to pay bills.
- Bennett was charged with pandering. The daughter was not charged.WTKR, WAVY
5-year-old in a tanning booth
Patricia Krentcil, New Jersey

"Tanorexic" "Tan Mom" arrested for putting daughter, 5, in NJ tanning booth.
- Girl, in kindergarten, was burned, school officials noticed. Krentcil said her daughter was burned from playing outside in the sun.
- No one under 14 allowed in booths in New Jersey.
- A grand jury declined to indict Krentcil.NJ.com, NBC New York
Urging 7-year-old to pepper-spray staff
Delaina Garling, Philadelphia

Took kids to store, ejected for stealing, gave pepper-spray to 7-year-old to use.
- Took her 7-year-old daughter and son to a dollar store where she had previously been banned for allegedly stealing.
- Staff noticed her and began to escort her out of the store.
- Garling then pulled out pepper-spray, doused store employees.
- Employees take Garling to the ground, and she tosses can to her daughter.
- "You know what to do, baby," she tells her daughter. "Spray it!" The girl did not spray it.Huffington Post, NY Daily News
Passing out while kid wanders street
Ashley Laner, West Virginia

Passed out while high on drugs as toddler wandered street.
- A neighbor called police when she found Laner's 16-month-old toddler sitting outside on steps in feces.
- The neighbor filmed an allegedly disoriented Laner as she called police, and later put the video on Facebook.
- A responding state trooper found the child wandering outside while Laner was passed out. Laner admitted to having used methamphetamine and benzodiazepine after having relationship issues with her boyfriend.
- The child was placed in temporary custody with Laner's boyfriend's mother.WSAZ, WCHS
Drunken driving, drunken breast-feeding
Cateria Thomas, Florida

Driving drunk with kids without seatbelts, breast-feeding drunk.
- Sheriff's deputies pulled over a car with expired registration tags.
- The driver, Cateria Thomas, appeared intoxicated. She began breastfeeding her 2-month-old baby during the traffic stop.
- Kids -- 1, 3, 4 years old -- were in the back of the car without seatbelts. A full can of gas was in the front seat.
- Thomas failed a sobriety test.
- She told police she ate hamburgers with whiskey on them.WKMG, WPLG
Shacking up with dead grandpa
Melissa Poole, Jeremy Dishner, Virginia

Sheriff's deputies found five children living in a trailer in squalid conditions -- and their dead grandfather.