Woman ordered off her own property by courts in squatter dispute
01/11/2017 6:37 am PST
via KNXV:
APACHE JUNCTION, Ariz. -- (KNXV) -- An Apache Junction woman is fighting for the right to stay on her own property. The 72-year old woman says her legal troubles started after she opened up her heart and her home to a struggling couple who said they needed a place to stay to start re-building their lives for their young children.
"I only have a very small social security [stipend], I kept trying to make all the bills myself which I couldn't do," said 72-year old Virginia Kelley.
"I thought maybe they were honest. Gave me the story about two children, wanting to start over in the country. I fell for it hook, line and sinker," she added.
After three months, Kelley said she started to regret her decision, mainly due to all the fighting and the violence she witnessed among the family.
FULL STORY: Woman ordered off her own property by courts in squatter dispute - KNXV