Florida man accused of beating roommate after argument over TV service, police say
02/27/2017 3:05 pm PST
By Adrienne Cutway, WKMG
ORLANDO, Fla. -- (WKMG) -- A Florida man is accused of repeatedly kicking his roommate in the face and head during an unprovoked attack, according to the Orlando Police Department.
The victim told police that Michael Sobon, 57, attacked him when he returned to the apartment they share shortly before 11 p.m. Saturday. He said the assault began with Sobon hitting him in the face and continued with kicks to the head when the victim fell to the ground, according to an arrest affidavit.
Police said the victim had swollen eyes, heavy bleeding from cuts on his face and his nose seemed to be out of place as if it were broken.
Despite the blood on his shoes and face, Sobon denied any kind of physical altercation, the affidavit said. He said he and his roommate had been squabbling over their TV service and money that the victim owed, so Sobon decided to cancel the service.
FULL STORY: Florida man accused of beating roommate after argument over TV service, police say - WKMG