Woman found guilty of supplying alcohol to minors that died in 2015 crash
07/20/2017 1:17 pm PDT
By Keith Schweigert, WPMT
YORK, Pa. -- (WPMT) -- A Windsor Township woman who, along with her husband, was accused of supplying alcohol to a group of minors prior to a crash that claimed two lives was found guilty of corruption of minors and furnishing alcohol to minors by a York County jury Thursday, the York County District Attorney's Office confirmed.
Jodie Tierney, 45, and her husband, Stephen, 45, were accused of buying alcohol for a group of teens that were partying at their home on June 15, 2016. Two of the teens, Red Lion football players Stone D. Hill, 17, and Nicholas A. Mankin, 16, later died in a single car crash on Slab Road near Thompson Road in Lower Windsor Township. Hill later drove his 2002 Toyota 4-Runner at a high rate of speed when he lost control on a curve on Slab Road and crashed. Hill and Mankin both died in the accident. Toxicology results revealed that Hill had a Blood Alcohol Content of 0.094%.
Stephen Tierney pleaded guilty just before his trial was to begin.
Social media helped investigators in their case against the Tierney's. On the date of the fatal crash, Stone Hill posted video of him holding a bottle of Bacardi rum and drinking a clear liquid from a shot glass. A photograph from Mankin's Snapchat account on the day of the crash depicted the teenager and other minors socializing in a kitchen/living room of a home. Interviews with other teens in the photo confirmed that it was taken at the home of Stephen and Jodie Tierney.
FULL STORY: Windsor Township woman found guilty of supplying alcohol to minors that died in 2015 crash - WPMT