Sherin Mathews’ body released: But how did she really die?
10/30/2017 8:16 am PDT
via KDAF:
RICHARDSON, Texas -- (KDAF) -- Three-year-old Sherin Mathews' body has reportedly been sent to a funeral home.
The medical examiner will not say who her body has been released to, but Sherin's mother is most likely the one handling funeral arrangements since dad is in jail.
Community leaders started a petition to keep Sherin's remains from being released to the Mathews after her body was found in a drain not far from the family's Richardson home.
Her adoptive father, Wesley Mathews, is charged with felony injury to a child with bond set at $1 million.
Mathews initially told Richardson cops that he put Sherin outside at three in the morning because she refused to drink her milk. He's since changed his story saying he “physically assisted” her in drinking the milk and she choked.
An exact cause of death has not been released.
FULL STORY: Sherin Mathews' body released: But how did she really die? - KDAF