Five puppies die after space heater left in dog house starts fire
11/28/2017 1:47 pm PST
By Katrina Butcher, KFOR
OKLAHOMA CITY -- (KFOR) -- Fire officials say five puppies died after a space heater left inside a dog house caught fire.
Firefighters were called to a reported house fire in the 1400 block of S.W. 32nd St at 12:42 p.m. Tuesday.
When crews arrived, smoke was showing from the rear of the single-story home.
Crews determined the fire was on the exterior of the home and fought it from a distance due to a large dog in the backyard.
After determining the dog was friendly, firefighters made their way to the back of the home and quickly put out the fire.
Officials say the fire was started by a space heater in a dog house next to the rear of the home.
The dog house had six puppies inside. All but one died.
FULL STORY: Five puppies die after space heater left in dog house starts fire - KFOR