Metro Detroit teen gets $250,000 bond after threat found in school bathroom
03/09/2018 4:16 am PST
via WXYZ:
CANTON, Mich. -- (WXYZ) -- A Canton teen is facing two charges and received a $250,000, no 10 percent bond for making school threats this week.
According to Canton police, 17-year-old Brendan Sibel was charged with two counts of terrorism threat, 20-year felonies, and two counts of bomb threat, 4-year felonies.
It started when students found threats written on bathroom walls at Canton and Salem high schools this week.
Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy said they are evaluating the serious threats on an individual basis and "in this case, we can prove beyond a reasonable doubt alleged bomb and terrorism threats."
After being notified of the threats, Plymouth-Canton Community School officials and police investigated and determined them to be not credible.
FULL STORY: Metro Detroit teen gets $250,000 bond after threat found in school bathroom - WXYZ