Officer catches man masturbating while watching school children in Houston
09/05/2018 11:56 am PDT
via KIAH:
FRIENDSWOOD, Texas -- (KIAH) -- A suspect was taken into custody by an officer responding to a traffic accident after the suspect was found pleasuring himself while watching school children at a busy crosswalk in Friendswood, according to local police.
Stacy Lee Mince, 45, is charged with indecent exposure. Mince was taken in after an officer responded to a traffic accident Aug. 30. When the officer arrived at the scene, he mistook the suspect's vehicle for one involved in the accident.
The officer was shocked to find the driver, reportedly Mince, masturbating while watching the school crossing guard and students walking through the intersection. The officer knocked on the window, causing the driver to stop what he was doing and pull up his shorts. The police department noted the suspect was in a parking lot where children were walking and riding their bikes to school.
Mince was taken to jail. His bond was set at $2,000.