Billion-dollar Ponzi scheme ends with 50-year prison term
04/07/2016 4:54 pm PDT
A man who appeared to have it all -- fancy cars, million-dollar houses, you name it -- was also living a billion-dollar lie.
He's partied with Donald Trump, posed with political heavyweights and rolled big in a celebrity entourage.
Scott Rothstein had the Midas Touch.
"He says, 'Congratulations. You're a millionaire,'" said Rothstein's one-time best friend, Stephen Caputi.
Rothstein is a self-made golden boy with big connections and money to burn.
"We did whatever we wanted to do whenever we wanted to do it," said Caputi
Rothstein was a generous friend who spent his millions as fast as he could earn them.
"It was absolute piles and piles of cash," said Stephen Caputi.
But his billion-dollar house of cards was a stacked deck -- and when it came crashing down, he would bury his closest friends along with him.